Gap in the middle provides a, “fill in the blank” aka enemy’s head.Slightly thicker than some of the modern-day smaller crosshairs, making it more transparent.So far, he boasts an impressive ~50% headshot this year, according to HLTV. In 2020, he and team Triumph ranked first in the ESEA S33: Premier Division-North America Finals ($12,500/$27,500). He was born in 2000 and currently resides in Austin, Texas.

Grim currently plays for Team Liquid as a rifler and entry fragger. One reason being is so that the crosshair aligns more closely with your enemy’s head without overextending to the body. However, it also tends to be smaller than most crosshairs (slightly zoomed in for clarity) used today. Thanks to the vibrant color, it’s easier to spot as you shoot and move along. You can see a slight gap in the middle, but if you look closely, it also resembles a clear square dot. Grim’s crosshair features a light neon green color in the shape of a cross.

That said, today I’ll be showing you the top crosshairs used by some of the best players in the world. If you’re having a hard time choosing one, you can easily experiment with a pro’s crosshair (via copy and paste using a script or one-by-one in the console). In fact, one of the best ways to find the perfect crosshair is to simply test it out for example, how well do you see yourself spraying, bursting, and one tapping? And at what distances do you feel the most comfortable and uncomfortable? Whether it’s green, blue, pink, big, small, t-shaped, or even a dot, a crosshair relies on comfort not only from shooting, but moving as well. Choosing a crosshair is an integral part of CS:GO.